Mr. John Travolta by portrait
sculptor Laury Dizengremel
It was a
great honour and a fantastic experience having John Travolta pose for
me for his bronze bust in the context of my "20 Heads of the Year 2000"
project to benefit a community-oriented organisation, The World
Literacy Crusade.
John Travolta is involved in many projects to benefit youth and he is
always seeking out means to promote "Study Technology" - a breakthrough
in education developed by L. Ron Hubbard used by teachers in private
and public schhols, learning centres, tutoring projects and community
programs throughout the USA and in 30 countries around the world - as
well as by The World Literacy Crusade as a tool to effectively combat
Contact me for
donations to the project or further information.
(photo credit: Tracy Corbett)

(Above photo credit:
Tracy Corbett)

can commission me today for a lifesize portrait or bust - on a private
basis or for a charity or corporate project, and I'll be on my way as
soon as we have worked out a mutually agreed date for the first sitting!
Prices for a lifesize portrait or bust on request-
includes original artwork, the finished lifesize bronze only.
Artwork prices will not include travel expenses (which may be minimal
depending on where I am), base (can be slate, marble, wood, or bronze
to suit the sculpture) or costs of shipping the bronze to you when
cast. Charities will benefit from important reductions in fees.
See also Commissions: Working